
30 years ago, as a freshman in college, I saw Paul Wellstone announce his candidacy for U.S. Senate on the campus of Macalester College in St. Paul.  I was inspired by the energy he used to put his compassion into action.  Today as I see the Twin Cities experiencing such a passionate unrest, I wonder...
It takes days to get to the village of Ranomafana, deep in the Rainforest in southeastern Madagascar. Nearing the end of a most difficult journey, you will find yourself bouncing down a narrow mountain road that was once paved, but now the potholes are so big, the driver tries to navigate around the bits of...
Whatever happens to me, to you, to my immediate family and to our global family of human beings around the world… What ever happens, we’re ok.
This month every human being on the planet will walk the same path together.  Together, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and people of all religions will practice social distancing in their homes and their communities will endure death on a large scale.  Its a valley of darkness similar to that described in Psalms 23:4.  Every religion has...
Many people are finding that social distancing is creating stress.  We let our thoughts just wander aimlessly into a worst case scenario trap.  Its a trap because we entertain the thought but we don’t take the time to really assess how a worse case scenario might actually play out in its entirety.  Yet during the...
I woke today with lots of thoughts swirling in my head.  Whenever I feel my state of mind is a bit shaken, I know I’m looking at things from the wrong perspective. 
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